Maybe it's just my age showing, but '88-95 were SNL's golden years to me castwise.
I remember the late Patrick Sawyze hosted one of my fave SNL's ever in '90, the same episode that featured the legendary Chippendale's audition with the late Chris Farley.
There was a hilarious parody of "Ghost" on there too, but my inner-schoolgirl still giggles herself silly remembering this random, stupidly funny sketch from that same show, "The White Trash Bed & Breakfast." Just the image of a young Mike Meyers busting through the door, dressed in overalls and weeping over a dead dog he then tosses onto the kitchen table as everyone else is eating breakfast on it still cracks me up.
The "Gap Girls" always tickled me.
I remember "Massive Headwound Harry" all too well. I loved Rachel Dratch as "The Girl with No Gaydar" because I remember going to college with tragic chicks just like her.
Motivational speaker Matt Foley and his "I live in a VAN, down by the RIVER!!!!" pep-talks gave me life!
The fact that The Anal-Retentive Chef and Deiter never made it onto movie screens still saddens me.
Although is it true that there's supposedly a Celebrity Jeopardy movie in the making???!!!
((fingers, toes, legs crossed!!))
Randomest sketch ever that still haunts me: "Schmeeee Is My Beeeee..." was the theme song sung in falsetto by Chris Rock, featuring a tiny bee suit clad Chris Farley as Chris Rock's evil bee friend. It was only on once for good reason, but it stood out to me because it was so stupidly random and weird.
Oh, and the "Schwetty Balls" sketch still remains a common quotation machine in my household.
Good times. Yeah, yeah, good times.