anyone heard of aldani? | EN World Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

Quote from the 2nd Ed. Sourcebook The Jungels of Chult, p. 6:

Aldani (Lobster Men)
"In the murky depths of the great rivers of Chult - the Olung, the Tath, and the Soshenstar - the aldani hold court. They appear as man-sized lobsters, though only those who travel to the bottom of the Olung will ever see them, since the aldani never leave the water; they swim like lobsters, but walk upright on two manlike legs. Their faces vaguely resemble men encased in armor, though their eyes extend upon long stalks. The aldani live in groups of 1-20, within a very specific area of the river. They patrol their borders jealously, often accompanied by swarms of 2-20 piranha.
Despite their warlike appearance, the aldani are highly intelligent and quite civilized. They settle disputes with courtly tournaments whenever possible, but when battles occur, they are often to the death. Non-aldani are rarely offered the option of tournament combat."

Hope that helps. Ergdusch
