Suriya recently announced his 43rd film, which has surprised fans. He is teaming up again with Sudha Kongara, the director of “Aksama Nee Haddura.” This film will feature Dulquer Salmaan as the other lead, and Suriya will produce it under his banner.
Fahadh Faasil, who played the villain in “Pushpa,” and his real-life wife, Nazriya, are part of the cast, with Nazriya as the main heroine. Interestingly, Nazriya and Fahadh are acting together after a long time, but not as a couple.
This film marks the 100th project for music director GV Prakash Kumar. According to reports, it will be a period drama based on the anti-Hindi movement in the 1970s.
Suriya’s recent forays into unconventional and non-commercial stories have yielded excellent results. He has consciously moved away from conventional, formulaic films.
The Sudha Kongara project is set to commence regular shooting soon. However, fans may have to wait for Vikram’s “Rolex” to become a full-length feature film, as it’s not on the immediate horizon.
Tags Fahadh Faasila Nazriya Fahadh Surya43