A new trailer for the upcoming Pokémon anime series shows the protagonists in action as they face a mysterious new trainer that uses a Ceruledge in battle. This new iteration of the Pokémon anime is set to launch on April 14, but only in Japan, as the English dub likely won’t be released until much later.
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The new trailer is available on The Official Pokémon YouTube Channel and offers a look at Liko and Roy, the new main characters of the anime. These characters are taking over the Pokémon anime from Ash Ketchum, who is set to continue his adventures in the Pokémon movies, as his current storyline in the cartoon will be his last.
The overall premise of the new Pokémon anime is unclear, but it will likely start in the Paldea region, as the starters from Pokémon Scarlet & Violet have appeared in the promotional materials for the show. The new trailer has revealed a mysterious, suit-wearing trainer who bears a passing resemblance to Steven Stone, the Champion of Hoenn. This new trainer appears to use a Ceruledge in battle, as they’re paired together in the new poster for the show, hinting that he may be the rival character or the new antagonist.
Ceruledge is already a fan-favorite Pokémon, so it’s not surprising that it has a prominent role in the Pokémon anime. It’s more of a question of how it will fit into the story, as there is nothing to suggest that Team Rocket or an equivalent villain team is part of the new series, so it’s unclear how much of a threat this new trainer and their Ceruledge will be to the protagonists. If the show is set in the Paldea region, then it could be a case of rival students battling it out rather than this one character being an actual danger to Liko & Roy.